The new Director General of DLGSC Lanie Chopping, reveals her vision – and genuine enthusiasm – for the arts and culture portfolio in this podcast conversation.
Lanie Chopping: the job I was born to do
13 December 2021
- Reading time • 2 minutesMulti-arts
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“This job brought together my regulatory experience, management experience and strategic communications. I put my hand up and said that was the job I was born to do!”
Director General for the Department for Local Government, Sport and Cultural industries, Lanie Chopping, chats with Rosalind Appleby about the job she was born to do and her vision for the arts sector.
“There was laughter, there were tears and there were moments with that audience collectively that will live with you forever. You will never get that at a budget estimates at parliament! I am so privileged to be able to say that is part of my work, being part of something that is so genuinely transformational for the community.”
This interview was recorded with Lanie Chopping at the Department for Local Government, Sport and Cultural industries, Leederville, on 23 November 2022.
READ MORE about Lanie Chopping in “Opening doors for arts and culture”.
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