
Zap sparks an hour of power

27 October 2024

A hard-working touring duo dazzles regional audiences of all ages, writes Sarah-Jayne Eeles.

Pumping energetic music, pulsating coloured lights, and theatrical smoke wafting across the stage as the audience entered set the tone for A Circus Sensation by Zap Circus.

On what would normally be an ordinary Sunday afternoon for most families, the matinee show at the Goldfields Arts Centre was anything but ordinary.

This particular show was aimed at families with young children, but the calibre of tricks and stunts by husband-and-wife duo Tarrabelle and Rusty were impressive enough to engage audience members of all ages throughout a show delivered with skill, humour, and showmanship flair.

With a sold-out capacity of 700 seats, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. The joyful squeals from the mostly under 12-year-old audience added to the energetic party vibe as the performers took to the stage. A request for a quick show of hands showed that half the revved-up audience had seen Zap Circus before, leaving the other half in no doubt about how excited they were to see them again.

A Circus Senation by ZAP Circus. Photo by Jarrad Seng.

This energy was refuelled constantly throughout the show as the performers engaged with the audience, encouraging responses and prompts, and ensuring they made connections throughout the performance.

It was a thrilling hour-long ride of special effects (this reviewer would be hard-pressed to even fathom how some were achieved), a spectacular semaphore light show with a difference, clever and sometimes crazy stunts, acrobatics, contortion, feats of dexterity and balance, fire-eating, and humour, with a touch of innuendo to keep the older audience members engaged too.

The show felt the ideal length to keep captured young attention spans and that the high energy of the show never eased.

Tarrabelle and Rusty have been performing together as Zap Circus for more than ten years, and it’s crystal clear they love what they do. They wove parts of their personal story through the journey as well as other subtle positive social messaging.

The pair have won awards and acclaim for their shows both here in WA and globally. Having now seen a performance, it’s easy to see why.

I don’t dare to attempt to describe some of the illusions and physical acts to avoid spoiling the experience of wonder for future audience members – but there is a death-defying feat by Rusty using an all-too-real hammer – and the fire-breathing finale is breathtaking, using some modern tools that heighten the spectacle even more.

Even with sold-out performances at affordable ticket prices, the cost of touring the vast distances of regional WA can be a barrier for even the most popular of shows. Fortunately, Zap Circus was one of 11 successful recipients of a State Government’s Regional Performing Arts Fund grant, earlier this year. This has enabled them to take A Circus Sensation to 13 towns around the State, including Carnarvon, Broomehill, Esperance, Perenjori, and Mukinbudin.

Surrounded by a sea of kids, I found the performance to be a fun ride that wows, surprises and elicits laughter. I would definitely go again.

You can follow the tour’s progress and next dates and locations on their

Sarah-Jayne Eeles has written this review as a participant through Seesaw’s Regional Mentoring Program.

Featured photo: A Circus Sensation by ZAP Circus – Photo by Jarrad Seng

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Sarah-Jayne Eeles

Author —
Sarah-Jayne Eeles

SJ is an author of three novels - all thrillers - and a Goldfields-Esperance based regional artist and creative producer. She is passionate about arts and storytelling and finds it impossible to stick to only one project at a time - “Oooh! Look! Something shiny!” Her favourite playground equipment is the lush green space where you can set up the picnic basket.

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