Cream of the crop 2020
9 December 2020
It feels more important than ever to celebrate the arts in 2020. And so, in spite of the challenges faced by the arts community this year, we are thrilled to bring you Seesaw’s annual ‘Cream of the Crop’ round-up, in which we ask our writers to reflect on the year that was and the year to come.
Baroque distinction
20 May 2019
Review: Perth Symphonic Chorus, “Magnificent Bach” ⋅ Winthrop Hall, May 18 ⋅ Review by Leon Levy ⋅ On an unusually busy choral weekend the Perth Symphony Chorus was in …
A choral Christmas treat
24 December 2018
Review: Perth Symphonic Chorus and Perth Baroque Orchestra, Handel’s Messiah · Perth Concert Hall, 22 December · Review by Leon Levy · For some 30 years …