
  • Youth rise to the occasion

    Youth rise to the occasion

    29 May 2023

    The Western Australian Youth Orchestra punch well above their collective artistic weight in this ambitious and emotive program, writes Emma Jayakumar

    Reading time • 5 minutesMusic
  • Photo by Cam Campbell 
IG and FB @placeorpoint The Kronos Quartet are shrouded in blue light on a stage, the four musicians playing a variety of stringed instruments. Kronos raise the bar in every way

    Kronos raise the bar in every way

    6 March 2023

    Kronos Quartet embrace and elevate diversity with a concert showcasing their generous spirit and musical mastery, writes Emma Jayakumar.

    Reading time • 6 minutesMusic
  • A group of young dancers and musicians mill around a studio, talking to one another. These performers/artists are involved in the Rite and Revolution collaboration between The Western Australia Youth Orchestra and choreographer Scott Elstermann. Orchestra invites dancers to spring into Stravinsky

    Orchestra invites dancers to spring into Stravinsky

    13 January 2022

    Western Australian Youth Orchestra is injecting some bounce into its repertoire, in a collaboration with choreographer Scott Elstermann that sees six dancers performing on mini-trampolines. Nina Levy jumps in to learn more.

    Reading time • 10 minutesMusic
  • Reading time • 6 minutes
  • Reading time • 5 minutes

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio