Kobi Arthur Morrison finds himself transported by the ancient music performed by Asha ensemble at Fringe World.
Tag Archives: Camelot Theatre
What to SEE: Hot tips for Fringe in January
10 January 2022
Feeling overwhelmed by the Fringe World program? Fear not, Seesaw Mag’s editors have combed this year’s offerings to find something for everyone.
A fresh take on opera
7 November 2021
From the frothy fun of operetta to the suave tones of Hollywood, Couch Opera Live take audiences on an entertaining operatic journey.
Extreme makeover for opera
13 June 2018
Review: Freeze Frame Opera, Pagliacci · Camelot Theatre, Mosman Park, 9 June · Reviewed by Tiffany Ha · There’s been a steadily growing buzz around Freeze …