Pictured top: Eric Hynynen 'Canvascape' series, 2021. Top L-R: 'Fuchsia', 'Lilac Field', 'Tangerine Dream'. Bottom L-R: 'Blue Skies', 'Make Lemonade', 'Green is Good'. Each 2021 enamel on canvas 30 x 30cm. Six enamel works designed to look like squares of rumpled canvas, variously coloured red, lilac, orange, turquoise, yellow and kermit green. They are arranged in two rows of three against a white brick background. Somewhere into the rainbow

Somewhere into the rainbow

7 December 2021

Spanning the spectrum, ‘Expander-COLOUR’ is a playful exploration of the many moods and tones of colour, discovers Kim Kirkman.

Reading time • 5 minutesVisual Art
Tyrown Waigara HERO SHOT A Nice Place to Hate Yourself (2021) (61 cm W x 51 cm H x 4 cm D) copy 2 An acrylic painting in vibrant yellows, pinks and reds. The work is abstract but images are recognisable, such as a house, a pair of eyes, a ladder. Some objects are on their side, playing with our perspective. Take a walk on the dark side

Take a walk on the dark side

1 June 2021

Bringing their dark sides into the light, artists provide viewers with a tantalising glimpse inside their creative minds in ‘The Dark Side’ exhibition, writes Craig McKeough.

Reading time • 6 minutesVisual Art
A view of the exhibition 'sorry I was/am too much'. The works are displayed against a wall that is painted with a pink wavy shape against a white background. In the foreground is a portrait of a man wearing sunglasses and a pink shirt. An unlikely but effective double act

An unlikely but effective double act

6 January 2021

On the face of it artists Carla Adams and Albert Tucker are an odd couple, but as Miranda Johnson discovers, their works reverberate off one another in ways that reveal the powerful and damaging impact of social expectations.

Reading time • 5 minutesVisual Art
Reading time • 2 minutes

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio