Using the Scarborough Beach sand as its stage, SIREN is a magical melting pot of sculpture, sound, and contemporary dance that invites audiences to contemplate their relationship with the planet.

Western Australia’s arts playground
Western Australia’s arts playground
2 February 2022
Using the Scarborough Beach sand as its stage, SIREN is a magical melting pot of sculpture, sound, and contemporary dance that invites audiences to contemplate their relationship with the planet.
14 May 2020
Social distancing measures have affected everyone’s movements… but what about those who move for a living? Dancer and emerging dance writer Tanya Rodin reveals the ways in which Perth dance companies have negotiated the restrictions.
12 May 2020
Life as an independent dancer is challenging under normal circumstances. So what’s it like during a pandemic? As part of our “Day in the life” series, May Greenberg shares her experiences.
4 March 2020
In Denmark, Nina Levy cannot help but feel part of the joy of the collective dance performance, Chorus.
19 February 2020
Discipline meets wild fury in STRUT Dance’s ‘Hofesh in the Yard’, and Nina Levy finds it exhilarating.
21 November 2019
Review: WAAPA 2nd and 3rd year dance students, ‘Verge’ ·
Geoff Gibbs Theatre, 16th November ·
Review by Lauren Catellani ·
26 April 2018
5-11 May @ Geoff Gibbs Theatre, WAAPA, Mt Lawley · Presented by the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts · WAAPA’s first dance season for 2018 …
12 April 2018
Review: Frank Enstein, The Farm with Co3 Australia · State Theatre Centre of WA, 12 February · Review by Nina Levy · When I first heard …
27 March 2018
Raewyn Hill, artistic director of Co3, takes Nina Levy behind the scenes of the contemporary dance company’s upcoming season of Frank Enstein, a darkly comic retelling …
16 January 2018
WA choreographer Ellen-Hope Thomson made her first work for Fringe, Ophelia, in 2016, while she was still a full-time dance student at WAAPA, and her second, …