A manically smiling man in a plaid suit holds a microphone in his right hand while gesturing with his left hand. Pollie tales prove a cracker

Pollie tales prove a cracker

28 August 2023

There’s plenty of bogan in this fun trawl through Australian politics, with some serious bite to boot, writes David Zampatti.

Reading time • 4 minutesComedy
A figure dangles from a huge multi-coloured balloon, nothing but blackness all around. This is CircusWest's ECLIPSE Make August a month to remember
What to SEE

Make August a month to remember

27 July 2023

Is winter over yet? If you can’t beat the weather, just ignore it and stay indoors. Our August gig guide is full of good reasons to do just that. 

Reading time • 10 minutesMulti-arts

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio