Untitled (Landscape), 2021, various ceramics and found objects, dimensions vary. Photo: Holly O'Meehan A series of rock-like objects with mossy or seaweed like growths sprouting from them. Smaller scattered stones surround the larger rocks. When nature fights back

When nature fights back

14 July 2021

The place of human beings in the ecosystem hierarchy is questioned in two clever exhibitions at Goolugatup/Heathcote Gallery, and Craig McKeough is intrigued.

Reading time • 5 minutesVisual Art
Promotional image for Your Arts Playground. The words

Introducing Your Arts Playground, Seesaw’s new podcast

30 June 2021

Not sure where to find out what’s happening in WA’s arts scene? Feel like you’re always hearing about the cool new shows, concerts and exhibitions after they’ve finished? Check out Your Arts Playground, a new monthly podcast from Seesaw’s managing editors, Nina Levy and Rosalind Appleby.

Reading time • 7 minutesMulti-arts

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio