Three times the joy
22 July 2023
Haydn’s piano trios get a rare outing with a grand guest. Classical enthusiast Julie Hosking is swept along by the majestic movements and their magnificent players.
Raising the voices of forgotten artists
15 May 2023
The Giovanni Consort’s Kate McNamara is on a mission to ensure female composers get their due. As she prepares to take listeners on a uniquely meditative journey, the artistic director tells Julie Hosking there is a wealth of material to choose from.
When worlds collide
15 April 2023
A Venusian volcanologist and a Baroque specialist invite you to explore the universe in a different way. Julie Hosking talks to the creative couple behind Space Music.
Baroque tour of Europe one to savour
31 October 2022
French in name only, Telemann’s ‘Paris Quartets’ offer a suite of European flavours. Australian Baroque charms Claire Coleman with a polished performance.
What to SEE
What to SEE: July gig guide
22 June 2022
Got the rainy day blues? Our July gig guide is packed with shows and exhibitions that will warm your heart.
How to listen to an orchestra
11 April 2022
Are you put off by the idea of classical music as high-brow and inaccessible? Bourby Webster has 10 tips to help you have the experience of your life at an orchestral concert.
What to SEE: Australian Baroque
28 February 2022
Over the past 12 months Australian Baroque has performed over 90 concerts to more than 30 000 people. Artistic director Helen Kruger reveals the vision behind the astoundingly popular new orchestra.
What you need to know about the Fever Candlelight Concerts
16 August 2021
Who is behind the Candlelight Concerts at Winthrop Hall, and what is the secret to their phenomenal success? Rosalind Appleby finds out.