

  • Sonia and Elisa Jane Carmichael, Dabiyil Bajara, 2021, cyanotypes on cotton, 5.5 x 2.7m each. Photography by Pixel Poetry A series of six painted canvases curve around the edge of a wooden-floored room. Each painting is of an abstract waterscape, painted white on a blue background. The paintings are variously combined of lines and circles, as well as the occasional animal and have a map-like quality. Creating artistic asylum at Fremantle Arts Centre

    Creating artistic asylum at Fremantle Arts Centre

    16 March 2022

    Less than a year into his tenure at Fremantle Arts Centre, curator Glenn Iseger-Pilkington has made a splash with his first exhibition, “Undertow”, but that’s the tip of the iceberg in terms of the centre’s plans, discovers Rania Ghandour.

    Reading time • 10 minutesVisual Art

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio