Anna Jacobs trilogy books WIN books by Anna Jacobs

WIN books by Anna Jacobs

3 August 2022

We have three books by author Anna Jacobs, signed exclusively, to giveaway to one lucky reader. Find out how to win here.

Reading time • 2 minutesLiterature
Bestselling Perth author Anna Jacobs A grey-haired woman wearing glasses and coloured beads is on a verandah smiling into the camera Kindness key to WA author’s century 

Kindness key to WA author’s century 

28 July 2022

Anna Jacobs has sold five million books worldwide, but is little known in her home town. As she celebrates the release of her 100th book, the popular author shares some stories with Ara Jansen.

Reading time • 10 minutesLiterature
Love to Read Local event. Two men in black tops are sitting at a desk, signing books. Two young boys in red tops and caps are standing on the other side of the desk waiting for their books. 10 tips on how to read local

10 tips on how to read local

26 May 2022

This week is Love to Read Local Week. From tours and clubs to retail therapy, Ara Jansen offers some creative ways to explore our local tales.

Reading time • 9 minutesLiterature

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio