Jacobus Capone, 'Untitled (Huagabreen)', 2022 Courtesy the artist and Moore Contemporary, Perth An image from Falling From Earth, showing Jacobus Capone kneeling amidst an icy landscape. Braving the elements for extreme art

Braving the elements for extreme art

14 February 2023

Like an athlete, artist Jacobus Capone puts himself through physically and psychologically gruelling challenges in a remarkable art project which brings a small piece of the mountains of Norway to Perth.

Reading time • 6 minutesVisual Art
Reading time • 1 minute
Reading time • 4 minutesVisual Art
Alex Spremberg, Liquid Structures #20, enamel on canvas,  150 x 180 x 3cm. Courtesy Art Collective WA Alex Spremberg, Liquid Structures #20, enamel on canvas, 150 x 180 x 3cm. Courtesy Art Collective WA What lies beneath

What lies beneath

18 July 2018

Review: Alex Spremberg, “Liquid Geometrics” and Andre Lipscombe, “Unconcealed Paintings” · Art Collective WA, Cathedral Square, Perth · Review by Belinda Hermawan · Fittingly displayed together …

Reading time • 4 minutesVisual Art
Reading time • 1 minute
Reading time • 6 minutes
Reading time • 7 minutes

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio