A surreal landscape unfolds on stage, a woman clad in a spiky gold beehive-like bubble is surrounded by musicians, including a harpist. An image of a woman's head is projected on the screen behind, her face covered in razor like tentacles and bobbles. It is Icelandic artist Bjork Stars align for Perth Festival’s world party

Stars align for Perth Festival’s world party

8 February 2023

With its theme of Djinda, the Noongar word for stars, Perth Festival celebrates its 70th anniversary by re-convening the conversation between local and international artists. Mark Naglazas previews Perth’s premiere summer arts event.

Reading time • 10 minutesMulti-arts
Cream of the crop 2022

Cream of the crop 2022

15 December 2022

Which shows were Seesaw Mag’s favourites this year? We ask our writers to reflect on the year that was… and the year that will be.

Reading time • 10 minutesMulti-arts
Photo: Court McAllister
 A Noongar man stands in a swathe of fiery red light. He holds a spear and appears to be calling or shouting. A spray of sand suggests he has just stamped his foot. More than adventures in Noongar Wonderland

More than adventures in Noongar Wonderland

4 March 2022

As the name promises, Perth Festival’s closing event is filled with wonder, but it’s also filled with valuable Noongar lessons about how to live and love, says Barbara Hostalek.

Reading time • 6 minutesMulti-arts
Reading time • 5 minutesMusic
York_production still_17_HR. Shakira Clanton, Jacob Narkle. Image credit Philip Gostelow Haunting new play is a must-see

Haunting new play is a must-see

23 July 2021

Weaving together thrilling ghost stories and chilling accounts of WA’s brutal colonial past, Black Swan State Theatre Company’s York tells a tale we all need to hear, says Bruce Denny, in his debut review for Seesaw.

Reading time • 6 minutesTheatre
Reading time • 4 minutes

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio