After a disastrous start to the year the West Australian Symphony Orchestra is returning to the stage, albeit without an audience. Rosalind Appleby discovers how the orchestra has fared through the COVID-19 crisis.

Western Australia’s arts playground
Western Australia’s arts playground
16 June 2020
After a disastrous start to the year the West Australian Symphony Orchestra is returning to the stage, albeit without an audience. Rosalind Appleby discovers how the orchestra has fared through the COVID-19 crisis.
11 September 2019
27 October @ Government House Ballroom · Presented by Music on the Terrace · Laurence Jackson is a violinist of international renown. After a distinguished career …
4 March 2019
Review: West Australian Symphony Orchestra, ‘Festival of Chamber Music’ ⋅ Government House Ballroom, March 2-3 ⋅ Review by Sandra Bowdler ⋅ On the basis of the four concerts I …