@stephenheathphotography A smiling woman in an orange skirt and man in mustard trousers face each other on a bench. Pajama antics at work and play

Pajama antics at work and play

11 September 2022

WAAPA’s The Pajama Game is a lively musical with a nice little message. Erin Hutchinson gives her 7½ Cents worth.

Reading time • 5 minutesMusical Theatre
A man regally dressed in fancy 17th century style formal wear reaches out to another man in whiote robes. he is crouching on the floor with the hands raised together in front of him Timely reminder of the power of satire

Timely reminder of the power of satire

5 April 2022

The WAAPA third year acting students’ sparkling revival of Moliere’s classic Tartuffe speaks to the kind of cynicism so prevalent in our halls of power today, writes Jan Hallam.

Reading time • 6 minutesTheatre

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio