West Australian Ballet launches a landmark year with a Perth Festival favourite, and Kim Balfour is swept up in the display of raw emotion.

Western Australia’s arts playground
Western Australia’s arts playground
12 February 2022
West Australian Ballet launches a landmark year with a Perth Festival favourite, and Kim Balfour is swept up in the display of raw emotion.
24 November 2020
Junior reviewer Saskia Haluszkiewicz describes the immersive experience of being swept up into Clara’s world in the Nutcracker.
22 November 2020
West Australian Ballet’s Nutcracker is on its third outing but it managed to win over an unwilling attendee, admits Nina Levy.
20 November 2020
With a snappy program that is paced to suit our social media shaped attention spans, West Australian Ballet’s ‘Gala’ is designed for popular appeal, writes Nina Levy.
19 November 2018
8 Feb – 2 Mar @ Quarry Amphitheatre · Presented by West Australian Ballet · Dance with a difference is heading to the Quarry Amphitheatre as …