Mike Howlett, Jane Montgomery Griffiths and Amy Hack. Photo Brett Boardman. Bell bends but doesn’t break

Bell bends but doesn’t break

17 August 2023

The mixed up, muddled up, shook up world of Twelfth Night gets given another stir in Bell Shakespeare’s gender re-bender, but David Zampatti is more than rescued by a Malvolia straight out of Samuel Beckett.

Reading time • 7 minutesTheatre
A man and a woman stand in front of what might be a ship. They look surprised or maybe angry. Shakespeare’s ode to love right on song

Shakespeare’s ode to love right on song

12 January 2023

A risky strategy may or may not pay off, but a dash of ABBA, some lusty vocals and a strong cast keep the joy afloat in Fremantle Theatre Company’s production of Twelfth Night, writes Jan Hallam.

Reading time • 6 minutesTheatre

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio