5-9 February @ The Blue Room Theatre ·
Presented by The Blue Room Theatre Summer Nights
& Thirty Five Square ·
Tabitha was born in Australia. Her dad wasn’t, but that’s just the end of the story. A Westerner’s Guide to the Opium Wars takes audiences as far back in Tabitha’s family tree as she knows: to the early 19th century and the First Opium War. Made by a team of second-generation Australians, it’s for anyone who has been asked “But where are you really from?” often enough to start asking themselves the same question.
More info
W: https://www.blueroom.org.au/events/a-westerners-guide-to-the-opium-wars/
E: producer@thirtyfivesquare.com
Pictured: A Westerner’s Guide to the Opium Wars, credit: Clare Hawley.
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