Preview: 8 February, 6.30 pm; 16 & 17 February, 6.30 pm; 21, 22 & 23 February, 1.30 pm @ Studio 411 – Murdoch University, Car Park 4, 90 South Street, Murdoch WA 6150 •
Presented by Nicholas Tan •
Two brothers each come to terms with their own private struggles in Five Six, making its debut at FRINGE WORLD 2018. The new, original work by Perth playwright Nicholas Tan, tackles coming out, mental illness and brotherhood. The piece, originally written as a ten-minute play, was one of few selected for Tantrum Youth Arts’ 2016 short play festival Hissyfest, where it was directed by Allison Van Gaal. Writer Nicholas Tan has since extended the piece into an hour-long play, making it his first full length show, for which he has taken the reigns as producer and director.
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Image: Leon Gianni Photography
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