

  • Photo: Georgi Ivers A woman stands centre stage, in her underwear, with a cushion strapped to her stomach to mimic pregnancy. She leans back awkwardly from the hips, one arm extended. She is surrounded by elaborately framed photos of herself pulling funny faces. Childbirth stripped bare

    Childbirth stripped bare

    25 January 2022

    A visceral and highly physical story of one woman’s experience of childbirth – in all its guts and glory – The Dirty Mother is a performance that demands to be heard says Claire Trolio.

    Reading time • 5 minutesFringe World Festival
  • A girl in black stands to surrounded by percussion instruments Graduates hope for arts future

    Graduates hope for arts future

    15 December 2020

    Who’d want to be embarking on a career in the performing arts right now?! Patrick Gunasekera takes a look at the challenges facing arts graduates and discovers hope for the future.

    Reading time • 9 minutesMulti-arts
  • Reading time • 3 minutesTheatre

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio