
  • Painting and process

    Painting and process

    19 February 2020

    ‘Nexus: A Group Show’ gives Miranda Johnson an insight into the way three painters put theory into practice.

    Reading time • 5 minutesFringe World Festival
  • In a twilight zone

    In a twilight zone

    13 February 2020

    David Zampatti says STAR POWER is entertaining, but not stellar enough to send him into orbit.

    Reading time • 3 minutesFringe World Festival
  • On the right wavelength

    On the right wavelength

    13 February 2020

    Patrick Gunasekera is relieved to find The Aspie Hour is a smart, funny cabaret that doesn’t talk down to people with disability.

    Reading time • 5 minutesFringe World Festival
  • Jemma Kahn performs in the solo theatre production, In Bocca Al Lupo at the National Arts Festival, 8 July 2016. The show is the final instalment of her kamishibai story trilogy, which translates as ‘paper story’ and is an ancient form of Japanese street theatre. (Photo: Cue/Dani O’Neill) It’s storytelling magic

    It’s storytelling magic

    12 February 2020

    David Zampatti is in awe (yet again) of Jemma Kahn’s brilliant storytelling in Adult Story Time, part 3.

    Reading time • 3 minutesFringe World Festival
  • Will Dickie's 'Team of the Decades', an outdoor responsive theatre set, engages the audience to explore human strength and weakness.  Heads Up Festival, Victoria Dock park, Hull. The very model of a man

    The very model of a man

    12 February 2020

    Pep talks from alpha males and drills with the coach are all part of the show in Team of the Decades, as Robert Housley finds out.

    Reading time • 3 minutesFringe World Festival
  • Mani Mae Gomes and Mitch Spadaro in Desire Lines Mani Mae Gomes and Mitch Spadaro spread plaster of Paris on their bodies Unknowable landscapes

    Unknowable landscapes

    11 February 2020

    Jo Pickup is led into curious worlds of turmoil and struggle in the contemporary dance work, Desire Lines.

    Reading time • 4 minutesFringe World Festival
  • Australia nostalgic

    Australia nostalgic

    11 February 2020

    In Ballads, Banksias and Beauty, Jessie Gordon shows she’s the complete package, even if she’s a little road-weary, David Zampatti says.

    Reading time • 4 minutesFringe World Festival
  • Song’n’dance love letter

    Song’n’dance love letter

    10 February 2020

    It drops some clangers, Jonathan W. Marshall says, but 100 Years of the History of Dance dazzles at times.

    Reading time • 4 minutesFringe World Festival

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio