How to choose your Fringe World shows
30 November 2023
Overwhelmed by the 2024 Fringe program? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Just what the doctor ordered
29 September 2023
Dr AudiYO uses vocal gymnastics to take the audience on a fun adventure. Junior reviewers Jackson and Chloe Davis are happy to take this prescription.
Lifting the weight of the world
28 September 2023
Junior reviewers Jackson and Chloe Davis are taken on a thoughtful and funny journey to the Moon with one overwhelmed girl.
Gentle touch guides lunar landing
28 September 2023
Balancing weight with whimsy, this children’s theatre work strikes the right chord for its target audience, writes Claire Trolio.
Straight talk reveals resilience behind anguish
16 September 2023
Despite its focus on the inhumanity of incarceration, Jurrungu Ngan-ga has the audience laughing and on its feet with admiration, writes Rita Clarke.
Bell bends but doesn’t break
17 August 2023
The mixed up, muddled up, shook up world of Twelfth Night gets given another stir in Bell Shakespeare’s gender re-bender, but David Zampatti is more than rescued by a Malvolia straight out of Samuel Beckett.
Blasko adds a tender touch to Twelfth Night
2 August 2023
Singer-songwriter Sarah Blasko may not seem like an obvious choice of composer for Bell Shakespeare’s retelling of Twelfth Night, but as she tells Ara Jansen, there’s more to this comedy than initially meets the eye.
Maybe-baby play contains charisma aplenty
31 July 2023
The Hypotheticals is a contemporary tale of potential baby-making that’s thoughtful, refreshing and pleasingly subversive, says Claire Trolio.