Platonic parenting for the win?
11 July 2023
Are we asking ourselves the right questions before we step on the parental rollercoaster? In The Hypotheticals playwrights Jeffrey Jay Fowler and Sarah Reuben dive into one of life’s biggest decisions. Nina Levy finds out more.
Keep the kids happy this holidays
26 June 2023
Feeling the cold? There’s plenty to warm young hearts (and the young at heart) this July school holidays. Enter a winter wonderland of creative pursuits.
Everyday life placed under a kaleidoscope
28 February 2023
Laura Boynes’ on-the-spot choreography makes for dance theatre that’s at once comic and enthralling, discovers emerging critic Dominique Logan.
Edgy Equations adds up to festival must-see
23 February 2023
Laura Boynes’ Equations of a Falling Body is an explosive mix of dance and physical theatre that will live long in the memory, writes Rita Clarke.
Krautrock chaos a blast of laughs
1 February 2023
Berlin punk-pop siblings Otto & Astrid return with their unique brand of musical madness and while the show is played for laughs, these guys can play, writes Ara Jansen
Darkness depicted with a light touch
18 March 2022
A decade after its premiere, The Last Great Hunt’s acclaimed exploration of dementia is still captivating audiences, writes Claire Trolio.
Beautiful journey of love and longing
24 February 2022
Seesaw’s junior reviewer Bethany Stopher shares her thoughts on The Smallest Stage, the unconventional account of a father’s love for his children.
A single voice captures shared journey
18 February 2022
JALI is a triumph of storytelling which, for Patrick Gunasekera, encapsulates the ebbs and flows of the migrant’s struggle to be heard and understood.