A hard-working touring duo dazzles regional audiences of all ages, writes Sarah-Jayne Eeles.

Western Australia’s arts playground
Western Australia’s arts playground
27 October 2024
A hard-working touring duo dazzles regional audiences of all ages, writes Sarah-Jayne Eeles.
6 July 2023
Punching well above its weight, Club D’amour combines the intimacy of a small-scale cabaret show with the impact of a blockbuster. Kim Balfour is entranced.
5 February 2023
These knife-juggling, acrobatic Vikings are on an important quest, but do they have what it takes? Junior reviewers Jackson and Chloe Davis find plenty to appeal to young ones.
30 January 2023
With outrageous tricks set to a 90s soundtrack, the self-proclaimed Spice Girls of circus are preparing to werk you into a frenzy. Dig out that spandex, wannabes.
26 January 2023
There’s a lot more to Laser Kiwi’s Rise of the Olive than circus tricks. Nina Levy is delighted with what she finds.
23 January 2023
Melon the Human charms and delights Rita Clarke and the rest of the audience with his contortion and object manipulation.
9 January 2023
Have you ever experienced the loneliness of being at a party where you don’t know anybody? Melon the Human brings this feeling to life in his debut Fringe show.
5 December 2022
The small but talented cast of Rouge impresses Kim Balfour with circus cabaret that’s both entertaining and provocative.
29 August 2022
Zap Circus’s daredevil duo will be blazing their way around WA this Spring, discovers Nina Levy
3 February 2022
A circus troupe and drag artist join forces in a fitting tribute to a pop superstar, writes Michelle White.