Creativity blooms along the art trail around Geraldton and surrounding Wildflower Country, writes Sarah Hinton.

Western Australia’s arts playground
Western Australia’s arts playground
20 November 2024
Creativity blooms along the art trail around Geraldton and surrounding Wildflower Country, writes Sarah Hinton.
19 October 2024
Diverse codes of creativity around Indian Ocean are on show in Bunbury through iOTA24. Olivia Little reviews two exhibitions as a part of Seesaw’s Regional Mentoring Program.
22 September 2022
‘Stitched and Bound’ will turn your pre-conceived ideas about quilting upside down, says Jaimi Wright, in an exhibition that unpicks and upcycles tradition to catapult it into the 21st century.
16 September 2022
The Perth Royal Show’s creative arts competition has long been popular with the very young and very old, but with millennials embracing the art of craft, things are looking different. Ara Jansen reports.
5 October 2021
Ambitious and diverse, Fremantle Arts Centre’s instalment of ‘IOTA21: Curiosity and Rituals of the Everyday’ is a seamless continuation of the celebration of contemporary craft that began at John Curtin Gallery, discovers Craig McKeough.
22 September 2021
The first of the Indian Ocean Craft Triennial’s centrepiece exhibitions weaves together the disparate cultures of the Indian Ocean rim in ways that Craig McKeough finds profound.
18 August 2021
Ahead of the opening of the inaugural Indian Ocean Craft Triennial, Jaimi Wright caught up with craft advocates Paula Hart and Carola Akindele-Obe to talk about why its time for craft to receive the recognition it deserves.