What to SEE: Hot tips for Fringe in January

What to SEE: Hot tips for Fringe in January

10 January 2022

Feeling overwhelmed by the Fringe World program? Fear not, Seesaw Mag’s editors have combed this year’s offerings to find something for everyone.

Reading time • 10 minutesFringe World Festival
Shirley Van Sanden plays Mary Diana Dods in Suzanne Ingelbrecht’s upcoming '2 Marys' for FRINGE ’22. Photo: Chris Horgan, Organic Productions. A headshot of a woman dressed as a man. She wears a black top hat and suit jacket over a white shirt. She holds what looks like the top of a cane in front of her. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is pursed. She has drawn on stubble on her face. A story of cross-gendered courage
The Festival Sessions

A story of cross-gendered courage

5 January 2022

Rich in Frankenstein imagery, 2 Marys is bringing a transgressive true tale of love, betrayal and abandonment to Midland Junction Arts Centre this month.

Reading time • 8 minutesFringe World Festival

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio