Three peformers dressed in black at the front of stage, with drums and keyboardist behind them. They are in an industrial style venue and the stage is lit in red light Spellbinding signs herald queer deaf homecoming

Spellbinding signs herald queer deaf homecoming

28 February 2022

Alter Boy’s mesmerising, multi-layered performance underlines the power of music to validate experiences of marginalised communities, writes Patrick Gunasekera

Reading time • 6 minutesPerth Festival
Joel Bray crouches on one knee, with arms spread wide Bray busts moves and breaks barriers

Bray busts moves and breaks barriers

21 February 2022

I Liked It, BUT… promises to reveal the mysteries of contemporary dance to audience members. It does, but Nina Levy feels lost at times.

Reading time • 5 minutesPerth Festival
Stella Donelly plays guitar on stage Honesty in the air in stellar show

Honesty in the air in stellar show

19 February 2022

Perth-bred Stella Donnelly is adored for her subversive and political subject matter, but Claire Coleman finds even more reasons to like her.

Reading time • 5 minutesPerth Festival

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio