Shirley Van Sanden plays Mary Diana Dods in Suzanne Ingelbrecht’s upcoming '2 Marys' for FRINGE ’22. Photo: Chris Horgan, Organic Productions. A headshot of a woman dressed as a man. She wears a black top hat and suit jacket over a white shirt. She holds what looks like the top of a cane in front of her. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is pursed. She has drawn on stubble on her face. A story of cross-gendered courage
The Festival Sessions

A story of cross-gendered courage

5 January 2022

Rich in Frankenstein imagery, 2 Marys is bringing a transgressive true tale of love, betrayal and abandonment to Midland Junction Arts Centre this month.

Reading time • 8 minutesFringe World Festival

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio