Natalie Allen performs in Julia. Natalie Allen as Julia Gillard has one finger raised and her mouth open as though she has swung around to retort. She wears a bright red wig and blue suit. A dance work for our times

A dance work for our times

23 May 2021

Solo dance work JULIA is a work for our times, a powerful statement of feminist resistance and rage, with a glimmer of hope, writes Nina Levy.

Reading time • 6 minutesDance
Julia at Harvey Town Hall Natalie Allen performing JULIA. Wearing a bright red wig and a blue suit over a white t-shirt, she is leaning over a table with one arm extended as though punctuating a point. A springboard to empower women

A springboard to empower women

5 May 2021

It’s been nearly 10 years since Julia Gillard made her landmark misogyny speech in parliament, but local director Sally Richardson believes there’s never been a better time to look back to that seminal moment in Australian history.

Reading time • 10 minutesDance

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio