Reading time • 8 minutesTheatre
A man in a white shirt sits cross-legged on a mostly empty stage holding a telescope. Near him is an orange backpack. The scene is designed to look like space with an array of stars behind him Barking Gecko shines with child-like wonder

Barking Gecko shines with child-like wonder

20 April 2022

Barking Gecko gets the balance just right in its latest production – a delightful daydream that brings out the child in us all, writes Claire Trolio.

Reading time • 5 minutesTheatre
Saved by a magical flying house

Saved by a magical flying house

21 February 2021

The team behind Bambert’s Book of Lost Stories casts another spell with HOUSE, a heartwarming tale of humour, hope and courage that enchants Rosalind Appleby and junior reviewer Saskia Haluszkiewicz.

Reading time • 8 minutesPerth Festival
A little puppet man stands on a book, and around him hang stories, tied onto balloons, operated by three people. A special kind of heart-wrenching

A special kind of heart-wrenching

2 November 2020

A compelling cast bring to life one of Barking Gecko Theatre Company’s most popular productions. Rosalind Appleby and junior reviewer Bethany Stopher discuss what makes this show so special.

Reading time • 8 minutesTheatre

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio