Robert Andrew, Held within a word, installation view, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA), 2023, photo: Miles Noel Pieces of bark and natural materials tied by wires and displayed on a wall. As they move they leave marks on the white wall. Power of language written on the walls

Power of language written on the walls

7 March 2023

Artist Robert Andrew takes back control of First Nations languages whilst undermining the words of the oppressors, in an exhibition that Craig McKeough finds compelling and satisfying.

Reading time • 6 minutesVisual Art
Yabini Kickett, Burdiya-ka (Bosses) (Caroline Kickett and Helen Picket), 2021 Two portraits of First Nations Women, both photographed in bush settings. The woman on the left looks straight to the camera. She wears a light turquoise t-shirt. The woman on the right wears a pink t-shirt and looks out to the right, away from the camera. Both women look calm. Stories of survival

Stories of survival

2 March 2021

Curated by Glenn Iseger-Pilkington ‘nyinalanginy / the gathering’ is a thoughtful and provocative exhibition of works by First Nations people of the Indo-Pacific region, writes Michelle White.

Reading time • 5 minutesPerth Festival
man plays cello on youtube The show goes on in isolation

The show goes on in isolation

20 March 2020

Even in isolation there are ways to enjoy the arts. Rosalind Appleby and David Zampatti have compiled a list to get you through the weekend.

Reading time • 9 minutesVisual Art
Reading time • 1 minute

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio