Reading time • 6 minutesTheatre
A man and a woman stand in front of what might be a ship. They look surprised or maybe angry. Shakespeare’s ode to love right on song

Shakespeare’s ode to love right on song

12 January 2023

A risky strategy may or may not pay off, but a dash of ABBA, some lusty vocals and a strong cast keep the joy afloat in Fremantle Theatre Company’s production of Twelfth Night, writes Jan Hallam.

Reading time • 6 minutesTheatre
A group of actors in pink or white overalls are on an outdoor stage with a 1960s style caravan parked behind them Dreamland casts a new spell

Dreamland casts a new spell

27 January 2022

The return of Shakespeare to Kings Park offers a chance to be swept up in a vortex of comic bliss, writes Jan Hallam

Reading time • 6 minutesTheatre
Reading time • 5 minutesTheatre

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio