An office worker pops lies under a table, clutching the table leg, while a man in suit and tie leans over the table, spreadeagled. A mess of office equipment in the background give a sense of chaos. Solid groundwork leaps and bounds

Solid groundwork leaps and bounds

18 August 2022

From the office grind to moments of human connection, STRUT Dance’s latest double bill serves up delicious dance, writes Nina Levy.

Reading time • 6 minutesDance
Reading time • 6 minutesDance
Head-banging synchrony

Head-banging synchrony

28 July 2021

Combining the wildness of the mosh pit with the athleticism of contemporary dance, Cry Baby, which made its debut at Fringe World, has been developed into a full length work to be presented at the Rechabite. Ahead of that season we’re sharing Nina Levy’s review of the original.

Reading time • 4 minutesFringe World Festival
Head-banging synchrony

Head-banging synchrony

17 January 2021

Nina Levy is blown away by the powerhouse rock and energy of contemporary dance show Cry Baby.

Reading time • 4 minutesFringe World Festival

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio