A woman in a purple dress with floral motifs and lace edges lies on her side, her head resting on one hand. Her brown hair is piled on her head, as she looks straight into the camera. It is Stella Donnelly. Donnelly floods us with emotion

Donnelly floods us with emotion

2 April 2023

Stella Donnelly returns to her hometown for the kind of warm and fuzzy house party you could attend over and over again, writes Zali Morgan.

Reading time • 4 minutes
Stella Donelly plays guitar on stage Honesty in the air in stellar show

Honesty in the air in stellar show

19 February 2022

Perth-bred Stella Donnelly is adored for her subversive and political subject matter, but Claire Coleman finds even more reasons to like her.

Reading time • 5 minutesPerth Festival
three people cooking behind a bench with green aprons Serving up a hectic good time

Serving up a hectic good time

22 January 2021

Get ready for a hectic good time at Musicians Kitchen Battles which Claire Trolio says is a chaotic but delicious feast for the senses.

Reading time • 5 minutesFringe World Festival

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio