
Theatre: PRVCY: Pilot Showings

18 May 2017

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18 & 19 August, 7:30pm, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA) –
PICA Performance Space –

PRVCY is a major new Australian collaboration with kdmindustries and a team of WA’s leading independent artists. Over two weeks they will undergo a second stage development culminating in two pilot showings of this new work.

From Edward Snowden and Wikileaks, to Facebook live-streaming murders, to Solange attacking Jay Z in an elevator, the personal is now public.

Combining movement, manipulated text, live music, hacked webcams and footage streamed live from a drone within the space, PRVCY is a sobering glimpse into contemporary society and the evolution of the information age, tracing the impact of technology and surveillance upon this universal human right.

Creative Team
Concept/Design Mark Haslam
Co-Creators/Performers Sara Black, Laura Boynes, Mark Haslam, Ella Hetherington and Tristen Parr
Sound Design Tristen Parr
Dramaturg Will O’Mahony
Produced by kdmindustries

Duration: 60 minutes

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