24 November-22 December @ Mundaring Art Centre ◆
7190 Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring
Artist: Karen Frankel
After developing her style over several years Karen found that she could bring her love of drawing into her paintings rather than keeping them separate.
She says, “Working freely and loosely with mixed media excites me. It enables me to create ‘controlled happy accidents’ and is perfect to create the illusion of depth which draws the viewer into the landscape. The layers of paper and ink allow for a serendipitous backdrop or a textured foreground. Charcoal, ink and pastels are used to sketch in familiar shapes.”
Karen is drawn to the tones, colours and shapes, both positive and negative, of her subjects. This exhibition shows off West Australian landscapes and flowers as well as abstract and semi-abstract work from a recent trip to New Zealand.
“I paint primarily to give me pleasure and also enjoy sharing my observations with the viewer so that they can, in turn, take pleasure from my work. I hope that they will be drawn into each canvas to have a little wander around before moving onto the next.”
Karen works from Galleria Art Studio where she runs classes and workshops for both adults and children. Her work can also be seen at http://www.karenfrankel.com
More info: http://www.mundaringartscentre.com.au/exhibitions-2017/
Email: info@mundaringartscentre.com.au
Image: Banksias
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