Exhibition Opening 6 April, 7pm; Gallery Open 7 Apr – 27 May @ Mundaring Arts Centre, open Tue to Fri 10am – 5pm, Sat to Sun 11am – 3pm ·
Presented by Jo Darvall ·
For ‘Like Water’, artist Jo Darvall explores WA’s water history at a time when globally we are seeking sustainable solutions to provide fresh drinking water for future generations. This exhibition which takes place in Gallery 1 at Mundaring Arts Centre, celebrates Darvall’s study of WA waterways, drawing inspiration from the style and palette of renowned artist Kathleen O’Connor (1876-1968) and her father C.Y. O’Connor (1843-1902), the visionary engineer responsible for the construction of the Mundaring Weir and the Golden Pipeline from Mundaring to Kalgoorlie.
In conjunction with her exhibition ‘Like Water’ at the Mundaring Arts Centre, and the 2018 National Trust Heritage Festival, artworks by Darvall will be exhibited at the Mundaring Weir No 1 Pump Station (Mundaring Weir Rd, Mundaring, open Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 12-4pm). The artist will also host a long table lunch on 22 April at the Mundaring Weir Hotel (corner Mundaring Weir Rd and Hall Rd, Mundaring, 11am – 4:30pm) featuring local historians, artists and poets. Spaces are limited and bookings essential, see http://bit.ly/2FSTFV5 for more details.
More info: www.mundaringartscentre.com.au/exhibitions/like-water
Email: info@mundaringartscentre.com.au
Top: “Like Water” Jo Darvall oil on canvas, Diptych 2017
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