6 October @ Woolnough Lecture Theatre, UWA ·
Presented by Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery ·
Is Duchamp relevant to the significant challenges that contemporary art addresses today? Join artists, researchers and curators in examining the omnipresent legacy of Marcel Duchamp within contemporary art.
Speakers include Marcus Moore, Lara Nicholls, Robert Cook and artists in HERE&NOW18: Besides, it is always the others who die – Perdita Phillips, Alex Spremberg, Peter & Molly, Carly Lynch, Julie Dowling (via dial-in) and Bjoern Rainer- Adamson.
6 October 11 am – 4 pm
More info:
W: duchampsymposium.eventbrite.com
E: lwag@uwa.edu.au
Pictured: Bjoern Rainer-Adamson, Freedom of Choice, 2008, kinetic sculpture, 100x100x120cm. Photo: Robert Pupeter.
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