2 November @ Tannock Hall of Education, The University of Notre Dame ·
Presented by Artsource, UWA Cultural Precinct and Fremantle Biennale ·
A dedicated visual arts symposium, MAKING: A living? explores the relationship between artists and their supporters – buyers, patrons, curators and promoters. The day-long discussion considers existing international and local solutions to the problem of making a living as an artist in an age of disruptive technologies causing rapid changes to the field and the swift ossification of old models.
The symposium brings together local, regional and international artists, arts professionals and experts from a range of industries. It considers artist-driven projects, models from other art forms and industries and the opportunities provided by new platforms. The conversations also delve into the local/global nexus and art experiences made extraordinary through the agency of digital communities.
Presented by Artsource and UWA Cultural Precinct as part of the Fremantle Biennale.
Supported by Chamber of Arts and Culture – Western Australia and FutureNow.
More info
W: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/making-a-living-tickets-66989530489
Pictured: Abdul Abdullah, Superpredator, 2019, oil on linen, 180cm x 240cm, courtesy of the artist
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