Reading time • 6 minutesMusic
A semi circle of 8 singers, with one standing in the centre, facing an audience. They are in a large hall and there are cnadles, chairs and pot plants decorating the floor around them. Vanguards bring poetry to vocal music

Vanguards bring poetry to vocal music

20 June 2022

Armchair poets become legends in their own lunchtimes in Vanguard Consort’s imaginative Saturday Night Poetry, writes Claire Coleman.

Reading time • 5 minutesMusic
The Witch and the Goat Rehearsal for 'The Witch and the Goat'. Two woman stand near the front of the stage, possibly on a small podium. One stands, the other sits. Both are dressed in white. The woman who is standing brandishes a large stick. She wears a furry robe. The woman who is sitting has her hands on her knees. She looks straight at the camera. In the background two masked performers, also dressed in white, look on. Abstract floral projections create a set. Facing fear through fairy tale
The Festival Sessions

Facing fear through fairy tale

12 January 2021

For thousands of years, storytelling has helped people to cope with the unpredictable nature of human existence. This concept is at the heart of local performance company Existence Theatre, whose Fringe World 2021 work The Witch and the Goat is a timely fairy tale that reminds viewers that change cannot happen if we are driven by fear.

Reading time • 7 minutesFringe World Festival
Title:		Disembodied Cuisine Installation 
Artists: 		The Tissue Culture & Art (Oron Catts, Ionat Zurr & Guy Ben-Ary) 
Medium: 	mix
Date: 		2003
Photography: Axel Heise 
 Title: Disembodied Cuisine Installation Artists: The Tissue Culture & Art (Oron Catts, Ionat Zurr & Guy Ben-Ary) Medium: mix Date: 2003 Photography: Axel Heise A peek inside the lab

A peek inside the lab

24 October 2022

Perth’s internationally-acclaimed SymbioticA is facing closure. To raise awareness of this unique laboratory, we’re re-publishing Nina Levy’s 2018 interview with SymbioticA’s director Oron Catts.

Reading time • 10 minutesMulti-arts
Reading time • 5 minutesVisual Art
Reading time • 5 minutesVisual Art
Reading time • 2 minutes
Reading time • 10 minutes

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio