15 August – 2 September @ The Blue Room Theatre.
Presented by Fugue.
Like father like son.
Threaded by blood, generation to generation, we pass on our odious discretions.
In a world where environmentalism is king, drastic repercussions rain down on those who dare to harm the earth. Relationships become strained with memories and fraught with harsh truths. A man grapples with his past and the person he has become, a legacy in disgrace.
Arteries by Ancestry is a bold investigation into queer relationships, hypermasculinity, and how our ancestors shape who we are. Seeking to explore and redefine the boundaries of dance and theatre, it pushes the edges of form and challenges convention.
Presented by FUGUE, a company which celebrates explosive, unique, and visceral theatre art, and devised in collaboration with Haydon Wilson and Noah Jimmy, Arteries by Ancestry is a sexy and ambitious work directed by WAAPA graduate James McMillan.
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