
Visual Arts: Buoyant

28 February 2019

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1 – 6 March @ Kidogo Arthouse ·
Presented by TR PR ·

‘Buoyant’, new works by Kelsey Ashe and Kirsty Watkins, views the sea from below, above and beyond; immersing the viewer in that sensation of connection and personal relationship with the sea, both its dark and light aspects. The exhibition explores the urge to belong and intertwine with the oceanside,  to marvel at its patterns and shadows between waterline and sky or between ocean floor and sea surface. Directly influenced by the coastline all along Western Australia, Kirsty and Kelsey interpret their own relationship to the sea in this lyrical exhibition in their mixed media canvases.

The exhibition explores the interplay of the ocean side and the feeling of water, the light on skin through liquid, its dark velvety touch, its shimmering beauty at night, and the way in which the submerged world transforms and calms.

“Bouyant” is open from 10 am to 4 pm, 1 to 6 March.

More info
W: www.kidogo.com.au
E:  tracy@trpr.com.au

Pictured: Fisherwoman I

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Author —
Maureen Levy

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